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Quick Collect Debt Collection Services

What Your Agency Can’t Do Will Cost You

Quick Collect Debt Collection Services

Let’s face it. Aging accounts aren’t like fine wine or cheese. They don’t get better with age. The fact is with every passing month, your chance of recovery decreases by 12%. No wonder early or up-front intervention from a debt recovery attorney is vital.

Needless to say, many businesses are waiting too long. Here’s why. Collection agencies don’t involve attorneys up-front in the collection process. Not only that, they’re using outdated collection practices.

Want proof? Take a look at your results.

  • 47% of your over 90 days (aged accounts) aren’t paying because you’re not a priority.
  • 27% claim they don’t have enough money. (crying poverty)

Sound familiar?

The truth is with statistics like this and an uncertain economy, it’s easy for the line between fact and fiction to blur. So what’s the answer?

Here it is. Let’s suppose a legal demand letter is needed; tipping the scales in your favor. Right from the start, one of our specialized attorneys will send the attorney demand letter. And we don’t stop there. Our attorneys will add pressure through aggressive and strategic phone calls. Even better, it’s all done at no cost to you.

How can that be? Our attorneys work on a contingent basis. This gives you the added benefit of attorneys involved early in the collection process and motivated to collect. And you know what? Only our attorneys offer the specialization and experience resulting in recovery rates averaging 72 % – more than double the industry.

It’s why we succeed where others fail in getting your debtor’s attention and invoices paid.

Here’s how it works. Stevens & Ricci will represent you in the collection of any commercial receivable. What this means is the principal amount, all applicable collection fees and interest are pursued on your behalf. Now’s your chance to benefit from:

  • A specialized commercial debt recovery attorney
  • Paralegal collector
  • In-house or field investigator (depending on size of debt)

But it doesn’t stop there, either. Here’s what else is in store for you.

Flexibility to work with our collection attorneys on a contingent basis

  • Contingent rates from 20%- 33%. View our rate schedule
  • Get the strength of our attorneys with a 72% average recovery rate
  • Collection fees next to zero via 18% compounded interest on payment plans
  • Private investigators find what others miss

Now’s your chance to put an end to aging accounts and turn them into cash. You can have higher recovery rates. Call us today at 1-888-722-1611 Start getting the results your business deserves.