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Why Stevens & Ricci

Many businesses are looking for a better way to collect past-due receivables. We collect slow-pay and no-pay invoices faster and for less in all 50 states using a select group of collection attorneys on a contingent basis so you can enjoy more revenue and get back to business.

No Collection = No Fee


Attorney Leverage

58% Increase in Collections


Faster Results

Usually within 30-45 days or less!


No Risk

No Collections = No Fees


Contingent Rates

Lower Rates Across the Board


We’re Everywhere

All 50 States and International


Collection Performance

Average is 28%. We collect 72%.

“Stevens & Ricci’s collection rate of dollars placed versus dollars recovered is in excess of 80%. This bottom line pleases both our Board of Directors and shareholders.”

Joe P., Credit ManagerMedical Device Manufacturer – Utica, NY

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Avoid This Costly Mistake!

Time Money Graph

Many businesses wait too long before turning accounts over for collection. Turning debts into dollars involves competing with other creditors for the next available A/P dollar. You need to get to the front of the line, and quickly, if you want to get paid in full.

How It Works


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In this video, Ben Ricci of Stevens & Ricci explains how to use collection attorneys to help leverage your commercial debt collection results.

Our Contingent Rates

Base Rate

We have our Standard Rates (click here) and Lower Rates if certain criteria are met. Contact us for details.

Net Rate

We pursue all Interest Charges and Collection Fees and are experts at getting these amounts collected. This lowers your Base Rate.

Stevens & Ricci Leads the Way –

Helping You Maximize Business Debt Recovery Efforts through Commercial Debt Collection Attorneys

Times are changing and today debtors are practically immune to collection agency pressure, it just does not work as well as it used to. We understand the frustration of trying to collect on delinquent accounts and the financial burden and time strains it places on your business and busy schedule. The stalls, excuses, and false promises of debtors are a huge drain on your time and energy and further tap your resources. Maybe it is time for you to end the frustration!

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Ask yourself – Is it time to bring in Contingency Lawyers for Business Debt Collection and Corporate Debt Recovery?

If you extend credit to your customers/clients – unpaid customer invoices, bad debt, and delinquent account receivables is a segment of doing business for many business owners, companies, and corporations, large and small. Sad to say but some customers never intend to pay for goods or services rendered. When you exhaust all the normal methods, sending numerous past due notices, request for payment letters, call the customer, or set up meetings with these types of clients, and nothing works, it is time to change strategies. The delinquent account is less likely to be paid as each day goes by. If you have not been successful in getting your customers to pay after sending past due notices and all of the above mentioned it might be time and the best solution is to hire a debt collection attorney. This is the time to bring in contingency lawyers for business and corporate debt recovery. The benefit of a contingency lawyer is you do not pay a fee in advance, they are only paid if successful in collecting money owed to you. See our fee schedule under the Services tab above. Collecting on past due accounts can be confusing if you are not versed in debt law. Having Stevens & Ricci and their team of legal specialists to help you better understand the solutions and your rights for collecting on non-payment accounts helps you have a position of clarity and strength in this matter. You can also enlist the services of Stevens & Ricci to send a legal demand letter by simply filling in the form for the 10-Day Attorney Demand Letter. Lawyers, merely by their authority and knowledge, can be very effective in getting customers to pay their past due accounts. The mere threat of being dragged into a court of law has the powerful potential to motivate the debtor into action.

When more is needed – Hire a Commercial Debt Collection Attorney

Hiring a debt collection lawyer will take the burden off you and your company resources so you can continue with your daily business. Stevens & Ricci provide specialized debt recovery lawyers, investigators and legal staff that can find customers that have skipped out or attempt to hide assets. The attorney may engage in filing a lawsuit or arranging for a provisional payment plan from the debtor on your behalf. Customers that receive a letter threatening legal action from a debt collection lawyer normally produce relatively better and faster results than a letter you send from your company.

Most debtors do not want to be on the receiving end of the ‘gavel’ in court in front of a judge and bringing an attorney to the table on your behalf will motivate most to pay their past due debt, rather than explain to the judge why they failed to pay you. The customer knows that fee disputes will also result in litigation or mediation costs for them so your decision to hire a commercial debt collection lawyer will hurry things along and help you collect the monies owed.

We step it up with legal pressure early in the process for maximum impact and better results.

How would you like to double your third-party cash receipts? We operate on a national scale using Commercial Debt Collection Attorneys through our legal desk.

Apply some Legal pressure for your past due debtors. Stack the odds in your favor.

Stevens and Ricci averages 72% Commercial Debt Recovery and there is no charge until we collect. Get started today.

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